Minggu, 10 Februari 2013


Diposting oleh Unknown di 16:12


Name of school           : SMP NEGERI 6 RSBI BANDA ACEH
Subject                                    : Mathematics
Class                           : VII
Session                        : 2012 / 2013

Semester 1
Standard of Competency
Basic Competency
Time Allocation



1.    Understanding the properties of arithmetic operations and applying them in problem solving.

1.1.    Determine the estimate of operation result to integers and fractions to the nearest value.

1.2.   Carry out arithmetic operations of  integers and fractions

1.3.   Using the properties arithmetic operations of  integers and fractions in problem solving

2 Lesson time

10 Lesson time

8 Lesson time

Daily Test I
2 Lesson time

2.    Understanding the algebraic form, linear equation and inequality with one variable

2.1.    Recognizing the algebraic forms and their elements

2.2.    Carrying out the operation of algebraic form

2.3.    Solving linear equation with one variable

2.4.    Solving linear inequality with one variable

2 Lesson time

8 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

Daily Test II
2 Lesson time

3.    Using algebraic form, linear equation and inequility with one variable in problem solving

3.1.   Making mathematics model of the problem involving linear equation and inequality with one variable

3.2.   Solving mathematics model of the problem involving linear equation and inequality with one variable

3.3.   Using the  algebraic concept to solve simple  social arithmetic problems

3.4.   Using the proportion in problem solving

 4 Lesson time

2 Lesson time

6 Lesson time

8 Lesson time

Daily Test III
2 Lesson time
64 Lesson time

Semester 2
Standard of Competency
Basic Competency
Time Allocation



4.     Using the concept of sets and Venn diagrams in problem solving.

4.1      Understanding the definition and notation of set and their expression.

4.2      Understanding the concept of subset.

4.3      Carrying out the operations of intersection, union, difference, and the complement to sets.

4.4      Expressing sets with Venn diagram.

4.5      Using set concepts in problem solving.

4 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

6 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

2 Lesson time
Daily Test I
2 Lesson time

5.     Understanding the relationship between two lines, line and angle, two angles, and measure them

5.1      Determine the relationship between two lines and types of angles.

5.2      Understanding the properties of two lines intersected or two parallel lines intersected by a transversal line.

5.3      Drawing angles

5.4      Dividing angles.

5.5      Determine the measurement estimation of angles.

5.6      Determine the result of measurement an angle to the determined nearest unit

6 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

1 Lesson time

1 Lesson time
Daily Test II
2 Lesson time

6.     Determine the concepts of quadrilateral and triangle with determine the measurement

6.1      Identifying the properties of triangles based on their sides and angle.

6.2      Identifying the properties of rectangle, square, trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, and kites.

6.3      Calculate the perimeter and area of triangle and quadrilateral and apply them in problem solving.

6.4      Drawing triangles, attitude, bisector, perpendicular bisector and median of a triangle.

2 Lesson time

4 Lesson time

8 Lesson time

6 Lesson time
Daily Test III
2 Lesson time
66 Lesson time
Approved by :
Supervisor Teacher of SMP Negeri 6 RSBI
Banda Aceh

NIP : 19750625 200504 2 001
Banda Aceh, November 12, 2012
Practice Mathematics teacher,

NIM: 260 919 266

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